Newborn Photo Session - In-Home, White Sulphur Springs - Baby Avianna

I had not offered newborn photos in years. And suddenly within a week I’m getting inquiries for newborn sessions every other day. So I thought why not, maybe I’ll offer them again.

When I booked a session with baby Aviana, I was a little bit nervous because I honestly hadn’t done a newborn session in about five years. I had always photographed my family and friends’ babies but nobody’s really had any here lately.

I was in for a great surprise because apparently all of the times I’ve photographed “newborns” they were actually about a month old so they were a lot more difficult. So all of the newborn experiences I had had were the worst they could’ve possibly been so I was fully prepared for an actual newborn session. 

Just a note, the ideal time for newborn sessions is around 11 days old or a little sooner. After 11 days it gets harder and harder to position babies for different poses and they just get a lot stronger. So ideally 11 days old is the best time to try and schedule. (Definitely reach out before your due date or at least ASAP after the baby is born.)

When I got to their house the grandmother told me they had tried to take photos of the baby and it just did not work. I scooped up a little Aviana and I bundled her up and swaddled her up like a little potato. The grandmother looked at her daughter and said “see honey that’s why we needed to hire a professional.”

That made me smile so big because all of the doubt that I had in my mind instantly went away and I had all the confidence in the world. I had to hold back tears because honestly she was just so precious and perfect. I can’t think of anything that makes me happier than seeing a brand new little baby. I don’t think anybody could see a little child like this and not smile from the inside out.

I love how these turned out. We actually did these in home. We do offer in studio and in-home newborn session depending on what you are wanting. 

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